Oh, hi. I have a blog. A blog about running. This would be awesome… if I were running. I’ve been slacking on this blog as much as I’ve been slacking on running.

I recently announced to Facebook, family, and friends that I am currently expecting a baby which may have something to do with my lack of running. I know the phrase, “no excuses,” but I’m convinced this was made up by a man. He’s never dealt with constant nausea and throwing up where the only relief is just to sleep. So that’s where I’ve been. Sleeping on my couch, listening to my body.

But I have ventured out in to the world a few times the past month. In fact, I even volunteered at Ironman Wisconsin over the past weekend. I volunteered last year. I absolutely love Ironman. Even if I weren’t volunteering, I would still go downtown and watch different parts of the course. The determination of these athletes is so inspiring. Even when I’m not hormonally emotional, I can’t help but get all teary-eyed watching the finishers cross. It is something seriously amazing.

Last week I was playing a game with some friends on Instagram. It was to post 20 facts about yourself. One of my facts included how I played soccer up in to college. Since I had so many ankle injuries playing, the doctors said I needed to stop and avoid contact sports altogether. I stopped doing all sports for a few years. I regret that I lost a lot of fitness during that time. Then I started running. I hated running, even while I was playing soccer. To this day, I can honestly say I have yet to just want to go for a run. I still slightly despise running but it has turned in to a love/hate relationship so we’re getting better. Maybe a few more therapy sessions (aka races) and I may start to just like running. Anyways – so in addition to the facts, I also stated I would never attempt an Ironman. That’s just not my thing. I think of that 26.2 mile run at the end. I struggle running a marathon without any other endurance events before that.

So naturally, Monday morning after working Ironman Wisconsin for over 12 hours the day before, I did what any sane person would do. I started looking up the various destinations for Ironman. My due date is currently set for March 2014 so that rules out an Ironman in 2014. I still want to do the Ironman 70.3 held in Mexico (currently Cozumel) during September of 2015. So that rules out an Ironman in 2015. Assuming Ironman keeps the current destinations, I am starting to see Ironman Texas 2016 looming on my horizon. Of course, 2016 is still over two years away, but it’s something to look forward to. I’ve been looking forward to Mexico Ironman 70.3 for YEARS now and that’s still two years out.

Having this goal so far in advance will really help me stay focused during the next few years. Knowing there’s a higher goal will get me off the couch on days when I tell myself there’s no race in the upcoming months. It will help me try to learn more about the individual sports. I have time to master heart rates and heart zone training. I have time to clean up my diet and get in the best shape of my life. It may seem crazy to start thinking of a race so far ahead, but this works for me. Also, have you seen the costs to do an Ironman? Just the registration fees alone are over $700. That doesn’t include equipment (wetsuits, a bike, running shoes, oh my!), the hydration/fueling, and the training (so much training). By the end of the race, it will cost well over $1,000 once all factors are added together. So here’s to hoping 2016 will be my Ironman year. And hoping that I can get back in to running, even while pregnant.

I have a 10k this weekend so I may have more updates. And supposedly I’m going to magically feel better soon & will hopefully be able to pick up running again.