First week of training is in the books. I finished 6 of 9 workouts. I only missed one of each so I figure that’s still a win. Yes, I could have hit 9 for 9, but on the other side, I could have stayed on the couch. So I’m ok with my progress. 

Despite attending a few spin classes and indoor tris, it was weird getting back on my bike again. For my first bike workout, I tried using the trainer in the driveway. It felt awkward and I really just wanted to ride. So I got off the trainer and did some loops around my neighborhood. I missed my second bike workout because my little man was sick with something and would not let go of me for ANYTHING. Even at 8:30 pm, I tried to get out on the bike and he was having none of it. So I let it go. My weekend ride was an event. I didn’t plan ahead and ask somebody to watch E, so I was either going to have to ride alone or find a solution so that Adam could ride with me. My solution was a bike trailer. So we traipsed over to Target and bought all the things a trailer. Then we had to unload everything, assemble the trailer, and then find a way to fit: 2 bikes, a bike trailer, E in his car seat, and 2 adults. We obviously don’t have a bike carrier or this would be a no brainer. So we ended up throwing the bikes in my Wrangler, and Adam took E and the carrier in the Cherokee. I’m pretty sure there’s a better way, but this was the way we did it.

 We arrived at the park around 12-ish and then had to assemble the bikes and attach the trailer to my bike. I figure that pulling a trailer will really only help in the long run – much like drag shorts help a swimmer get faster when they change in to a speedo come race day. Or no? Either way, I managed 15 of what felt like the hardest miles in about 1:04. It’s not great by any means. But I was out there and doing it so I mark it in the win column.

 I managed to run my 4 miles on Wednesday which happened to also be National Running Day. I met with my mom’s running group at a running trail (a path along esplanades) and ran with them. Adam and even showed up with E and the stroller! The group was running to a certain street and back. I was running 4 miles. Needless to say, I ran about twice as long as they did so when we got back, people were worried something happened to us. Nevertheless, it was a muggy, hot, and under-nourished 4 miles that felt like forever. We finished with a black bean burger for me and a bacon burger for Adam. E ate the sweet potato fries and managed to get handfuls of mayonnaise in his hair. And of course, we washed it down with some Shiner (me) and Bud Light (Adam).

Sunday’s run started out later than anticipated and rather than a running trail, I just did it in my neighborhood. It was hot. It was muggy. It was sunny. I’m filling out my triathlon tan well. Unfortunately, my sports bra does not have the same cut as the cycling/tri top I wore on Saturday. Despite my best attempt at spraying sunscreen on my back, I managed to get a sunburn. Of course it’s right under my sports bra I used for running. Joy. I’m pretty sure I sweated out to my DMV weight on that run too. Gross. So gross.

 There’s not much to say about the swimming other than I woke up early during the week and swam my laps at the pool 2 of the 3 days I was supposed to swim. I missed Sunday’s swim because timing and I had a LOOOOOOOOONG weekend to do list that I still didn’t manage to finish.

 Lastly, I posted this photo saying this was how I was coping with my mom-guilt during tri-training. 

  I get that I’m very much an “attachment parent.” I never intended to be. But until that little boy came in to my world, I didn’t intend for a lot of things that I later just accepted. Anyhow, since I have to leave him Monday – Friday for work, I really cherish the evenings and weekends we get to spend together. It makes it hard sometimes to then leave him at home to go back to the gym after a long day at work, or leaving him early in the morning on the weekend for a race. I’m not sure if stay-at-home-moms feel the same way since a lot of them seem so thankful for some quiet, alone time. But I feel like I get a lot of that between my one hour (each direction) daily commute, or the 8-5 hours I spend at the office. It used to be that I could get my runs and spinning in during my lunch hour. But I recently (ok, 4 weeks ago) took a new job that no longer has a gym attached to it – or even a convenient one nearby. So that leaves me to pull a bike trailer, push a stroller, or just get over it during those early morning pool laps. Maybe it gets easier to leave him behind, but for now he’s just so much fun that I like having him along for the journey.

 So what’s on tap for this week?

Tuesday: Bike 40 minutes w/ 6×30-second hard efforts scattered

Wednesday: Swim 850 yards, to include 10 x 25 sprints with 20 second rest ALSO – run 4 miles with 4×10 second hill repeats

Thursday: Bike 40 minutes moderate; 5 minutes hard

Friday: Swim 850 yards, to include 4 x 100 sprints with 15 second rest ALSO – run 4 miles

Saturday: Bike 25 miles

Sunday: Run 7 miles; Swim 1000 yards